focus: structuresource
handle: handle
collide-with: collide-spec
clear-focused(obj: enemy-focus) => nonesource
collide-check?(obj: focus, arg0: process-focusable) => objectsource
reset-to-collide-spec(obj: enemy-focus, arg0: collide-spec) => nonesource
try-update-focus(obj: focus, arg0: process-focusable) => symbolsource
cspace-by-name-no-fail(arg0: process-drawable, arg1: string) => cspacesource
cspace-index-by-name-no-fail(arg0: process-drawable, arg1: string) => intsource
joint-channel-float-delete!(arg0: joint-control-channel) => nonesource
num-func-+!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func--!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-blend-in!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-chan(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-identity(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-interp-play!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-interp1-play!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-loop!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-loop-speedless!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-none(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
num-func-seek!(arg0: joint-control-channel, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => floatsource
cspace-by-name(arg0: process-drawable, arg1: string) => cspacesource
cspace-children(arg0: process-drawable, arg1: int) => pairsource
cspace-index-by-name(arg0: process-drawable, arg1: string) => intsource
cspace-inspect-tree(arg0: process-drawable, arg1: cspace, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: object) => process-drawablesource
draw-bone-lines(obj: process-drawable) => symbolsource
draw-joint-axes(arg0: process-drawable) => nonesource
draw-joint-spheres(arg0: process-drawable) => symbolsource
draw-root(arg0: process-drawable) => nonesource
execute-math-engine() => intsource
find-offending-process-focusable(arg0: process-tree, arg1: attack-info) => process-focusablesource
ja-aframe-num(arg0: int) => floatsource
ja-blend-eval() => intsource
ja-channel-float!(arg0: art-joint-anim, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) => joint-control-channelsource
ja-channel-push!(arg0: int, arg1: time-frame) => intsource
ja-channel-set!(arg0: int) => intsource
ja-frame-num(arg0: int) => floatsource
ja-group-size() => intsource
ja-num-frames(arg0: int) => intsource
joint-control-reset!(arg0: joint-control, arg1: joint-control-channel) => nonesource
process-drawable-birth-fuel-cell(arg0: entity, arg1: vector, arg2: symbol) => nonesource
process-drawable-delay-player(arg0: time-frame) => intsource
process-drawable-fuel-cell-handler(arg0: process, arg1: int, arg2: symbol, arg3: event-message-block) => nonesource
process-drawable-valid?(arg0: process-drawable) => symbolsource
pusher-post() => intsource
rider-post() => nonesource
rider-trans() => nonesource
skeleton-group->draw-control(arg0: process-drawable, arg1: skeleton-group, arg2: pointer) => draw-controlsource
sleep-code() => symbolsource
transform-and-sleep() => nonesource
transform-and-sleep-code() => nonesource
transform-post() => intsource
vector<-cspace!(arg0: vector, arg1: cspace) => vectorsource
vector<-matrix!(arg0: vector, arg1: matrix) => vectorsource
*display-bones*: symbolsource
*display-joint-names*: symbolsource
*valid-con*: stringsource
process-focusable: process-drawablesource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
carry: carry-info
rbody: rigid-body-control
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape
focus-status: focus-status
get-quat(obj: process-focusable, arg0: int) => quaternionsource
get-transv(obj: process-focusable) => vectorsource
time-to-apex-or-ground(obj: process-focusable, arg0: int) => intsource
get-water-height(obj: enemy) => meterssource
get-inv-mass(obj: rigid-body-object) => floatsource
process-taskable: process-focusablesource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
carry: carry-info
rbody: rigid-body-control
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape
focus-status: focus-status
task: game-task-control
ambient: ambient-control
neck-joint-index: int32
talk-message: text-id
bounce-away: symbol
will-talk: symbol
look-at-me: symbol
hide-during-movie: symbol
talk-distance: meters
talk-height: meters
last-talk: time-frame
want-to-say: time-frame
birth-time: time-frame
slave: handle
hide: unknown
idle: unknown
active: unknown
play-game: unknown
process-taskable-method-31(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
process-taskable-method-32(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
init-art!(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
@see initialize-skeleton
process-taskable-method-34(obj: process-taskable) => symbolsource
get-art-elem(obj: process-taskable) => art-elementsource
Checks various things such the current actor, task status, etc to determine the right art-group data to use